Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

Suez PW4040F30 Polyether Sulfone UF Membrane

Material: W2T540707 Unit of Measure #: EA See All Ultrafiltration Membranes
The P-Series family of polyether sulfone ultrafiltration membrane elements are characterized by a 20,000 molecular weight cut-off and greater than 96% rejection of Cytochrome-C (13,300 MW pro-tein). PW Elements are used For pretreatment of process water, post treatment of ultrapure water and For the removal of organics.
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Discontinued product
The P-Series family of polyether sulfone ultrafiltration membrane elements are characterized by a 20,000 molecular weight cut-off and greater than 96% rejection of Cytochrome-C (13,300 MW pro-tein). PW Elements are used For pretreatment of process water, post treatment of ultrapure water and For the removal of organics.
List Price
${{finalPrice | intlNumber('en-EN','USD')}}

Discontinued product

Product Information

Legacy Part Number


