
Magneto provides market-leading anodes for oil and gas pipeline preservation

Globally the length of oil and gas trunk pipelines are increasing and by 2024 there is expected to be over 2 million km*. These pipelines are vital for the transportation of valuable resources and Magneto’s anodes play a central role for organisations worldwide in ensuring the long lifetime of this critical infrastructure.

Corrosion protection is essential for oil and gas organisations to prevent leaks in the pipeline, safeguard valuable resources and protect the surrounding environment. Due to the remote and often challenging environments pipelines run through, it is critical that anode technology is of the highest quality and reliability so it can operate unmanned.

Magneto anodes guarantee quality and can help extend the life of a pipeline by up to 20 years. As well as delivering for the long term, Magneto’s anodes offer market-leading reliability and will continue to perform year after year in some of the globe’s most remote locations, offering pipeline operators peace of mind.


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